dosha is light, dry, hard, cold, mobile, rough, flowing, subtle (it can penetrate every aspect of the body) and clear. Vata
is best understood in terms of its sub-doshas, which determine direction of
movement and govern specific actions in the body. Remember that Vata dosha is formed of air and ether and is naturally associated with breath, lumens, spaces and air or gas in the body.
Prana Vata
Prana Vata is situated in the head and chest region covering the lungs, the whole
respiratory system, esophagus and heart, tongue, mouth and nose.
is responsible for respiration and heart-rate and thoughts. It helps food to
reach the stomach, gives strength to the heart and enables spitting, belching,
and respiration (inhalation). It determines the type of experiences or
influences we attract and draw into the body. It is considered upward moving.
Udana Vata is situated near the umbilicus,
diaphragm, chest region and throat. It is responsible for moving air out of the
body, exhalation. It enables proper speaking and singing ability. It is also
responsible for strength and feelings of patience in the body and for increasing
memory function.
is situated in stomach, the small intestines and the upper abdomen. It helps in
digestion through the secretion of digestive enzymes. It also creates the feeling
of hunger and thus the impulse to eat. It
carries nutrients into the circulatory system and represents the quality of
absorption. It helps in the separation
of wastes from useful nutrients and in the formation of semen.
nourishes the whole body and is found throughout the body. It has three
movements, urdharv gaman (upwards), adho gaman (downwards), and tiryak gaman (lateral movements) in the
body. Vyana vayu controls all voluntary
actions, deliberate movements, the contraction and expansion of the heart muscles
and other muscles and promotes the circulation and nourishment of the body. It also governs sweating, yawning and the sensation of touch.
Apana Vata
is situated in pakwashaya (intestines), vrishan (testis), vasti (bladder),
shishin (penis), nabhi (umblicus), kati pardesh (pelvis), guda (anus) and creates
the urge to expel wastes out of the
body. Its movement is downward, involving lower body functions, such as urination, excretion, menstruation, passing gas, giving
birth, and the ejaculation of sperm.
functions of Vata dosha
heart-rate and breathing, normal thinking capacity, interest in life,
creativity, imagination, normal speech, normal digestive movements, normal
appetite, circulation and activity of motor organs, normal evacuation of waste
products, proper menstruation, normal ejaculation.
of proper functioning/Aggravation
problems, breathing difficulties, asthma, stammering, autism, gas, bloating,
disturbed digestion, lack of appetite, varicose veins, circulation problems,
cramps, cold hands and feet, menstrual disorders, ejaculation, constipation,
lower back pain, lumbago, dryness, cracking or painful joints, cracked heels,
breaking nails, stress, anxiety, fear, insomnia, memory loss, Alzheimer's,
weight-loss, paralysis, Muscular Dystrophy, arthritis, and all forms of
physical and mental degeneration.