Sunday, May 24, 2015

Types of Kapha

 ´Kapha gives stability, lubrication, holding together of the joints and such qualities as patience.´Ashtanga Hridaya XI. 1-3 

1Tarpak kapha

Tarpak kapha is found in the head, brain, spinal cord and the sensory organs. It provides strength to the sensory system. It can be compared with cerebro-spinal fluid and its function is to nourish and protect the brain. It also acts as a shock absorber, cushioning the brain against external stressors.

2 Bodhak kapha

Bodhak kapha is located in the mouth and tongue as a liquid which allows us to taste our food properly. It allows us to perceive different tastes, as we can only taste that which is soluble (completely dry food could not be tasted by a dry mouth). Bodhak kapha as saliva is involved in the first stage of digestion, as chewing reduces food to small pieces with a greater surface area and amylase helps to break down carbohydrates in the mouth. Bodhak Kapha lubricates the mouth and other sensory openings in the head.

3 Kledak kapha

Kledak kapha appears the secretions of the mucous cells lining the stomach, and protects it from stomach acid. It can be damaged by painkillers, smoking, alcohol, spicy food, but is self –repairing. It is responsible for the moistening and liquefaction of food and digestion.

4.Shleshak kapha

Shleshak Kapha provides nourishment and lubrication to the joints (it can be compared with the synovial fluid). It is responsible for holding the joints together.

5 Avalambak kapha

Avalambak Kapha is found in the chest region as a kind of liquid that provides support to the circulation of the blood. Rasa (first digested material) provides strength to the lungs, protects the chest region and supports other Kapha functions in the body. Avalambak Kapha is found as fluid linings of heart, lungs and chest.

Normal functions

Kapha maintains strength and structural integrity, immunity, stamina and protection. It governs all anabolic processes, creates healthy structures, and is responsible for the proper formation of strong tissues and quality physical mass. It supports immunity, allowing the body to withstand external stressors, such as disease, parasites, viral and bacterial infections, as well as a less than optimum lifestyle or diet. It promotes stamina, the longstanding ability of the body to carry out the necessary functions year in year out, as well as performing marathon feats at work and home without flagging. It promotes wound healing. Kapha is responsible for the protection of all major organs (which it also confines to their specific locations). It maintains fluid levels in the body and acts as a shock absorber. It governs fertility and reproduction. which are compromised when Kapha is low.

Normal mental functions

Kapha governs feelings of contentment, satisfaction, forgiveness, kindness, love, loyalty, values family and tradition, peacefulness, calm, and, through nourishing the mind, gives emotional and intellectual stability. Zeal, memory and knowledge are also positive mental functions of Kapha.

Abnormal functioning

Obesity, heaviness, high cholesterol, diabetes, mucous, lack of appetite/cravings, low digestive power, sinuses, chest infections, eye gunk, lethargy, oedema, swellings, itching. accumulation, congestion, any kind of fluid imbalance, phlegm or congestion.

Abnormal mental functioning

Lack of interest in life, people and events, lack of motivation and drive, unwillingness, indifference to others, especially those outside the immediate family, area or culture. Lack of universal love. Apathy, depression and laziness may be seen. Possessiveness, smothering, clinging, or greed may also be signs of improper Kapha functioning, ie the right relationship with other people, things or food is disturbed.