Mala are different
forms of waste matter, by-products formed as a result of the various metabolic
and physiological activities continually taking place in the body. Purisha
(stool), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat) are considered the main
three. They maybe used to identify pathology by imbalanced dosha, or
dushya, or cause it if they are not eliminated properly The name Mala
is derived from the idea that the principle property of waste is toxification (Malinikaran).
Poor digestion and elimination, and the consequent build up
of wastes, is considered a key cause of illness in Ayurveda. As a result of a
range of processes continually being carried out in the body, the intake of
food and liquids is digested and absorbed, while waste products are separated, formed
and expelled from the body. Their proper and timely excretion is essential,
otherwise toxins can be reabsorbed into the body, causing problems.
Mala are
considered third in the trinity of the body after dosha and dhatu,
as according to Ayurveda, the balanced condition of dosha, dhatu
and mala is aarogya (disease free condition) so if any of the three
are unbalanced or not functioning properly, ill health or disease will follow. For clinical reasons, therefore, the study of mala is an important
diagnostic tool and can tell us a lot about the client's health or ill-health.
In rogi pariksha (patient examination), we may examine urine, stool, sweat and
other (dhatu) mala (nails, for example) to determine the person´s
general state of health, deficiencies, malnutrition, dosha imbalance or
Maha mala (main waste products)
There are 3 ahar mala
(stool) is the main waste product of the human digestive system processing food
and is therefore known as anna mala (food waste) or ahar mala. The
stool provides support and tone to the colon (which otherwise would collapse),
as well as maintaining the correct temperature. Ayurveda clearly defines the healthy stool as
semisolid and smooth, easily passed, with no identifiable undigested foods, yellowish
in colour and not too foul smelling. Many subclinical problems can be diagnosed
through stool analysis, which is also recognized by Western medicine, at least
in the case of gastro-intestinal distress. We must remember that the colon is
the main seat of Vata and improper functioning can lead to Vata problems like
gas, distention, constipation, anxiety and fear as well as more serious gastro-intestinal
disorders such as diverticulitis, colitis and Crohn´s disease.
Mutra (urine)
is another important waste product of the body. The kidneys filter impurities, any
excess of minerals from liquids imbibed, as well as playing a part in acid-base
homeostasis and the regulation of liquids. Any increase or decrease in the production
of urine, as well as variations in colour, smell, turbidity, or acidity can aid
in the diagnosis of dehydration, diabetes, urinary infections, kidney stones,
and various bladder disorders.
Sweda (sweat)
is waste that comes out of skin pores and primarily consists of water as well
as various dissolved solids, such as sodium. It is considered the mala of meda
dhatu (see below) and is a means of thermoregulation in the human body. Sweating,
through exercise or sauna, is a well known therapeutic process, in that it
eliminates toxins from the body, reduces fat, cools the body, improves the skin
and purifies the blood. Any imbalance in sweat production can lead to itching,
skin infections, irritation, a burning sensation in body or reduced body
There are 7
dhatu mala
we cannot see the dhatu themselves which are inside the body, the external
mala give us clues as to what is going on. Bad quality mala from
a particular dhatu tell us that nutrition is not reaching that dhatu
(and possibly not subsequent ones either) and helps us to reach a diagnosis.
For example weak splitting nails suggest a problem in the proper formation of asthi
dhatu and leads us to suspect problems in the bones, cartilage, teeth etc.
dhatu function
Rasa ´prinana' ´nourishing' saliva, tongue coating, tears
Rakhta ´Jivana' ´life sustaining' bile,
Mansa ´lepana' ´covering' ear wax, nose, cavities
Meda ´snehana´ ´lubricating' sweat
Asthi ´dharana' ‘supporting´ nails, hair
Majja ´purana ' ´filling' sneha,
eyes gunk, skin,
Shukra ´garbhotpada (production of embryo)
dhatu has no byproducts and only produces ojas, quintessential
life energy, as it is considered a perfect distillation of all the previous dhatu
and that all mala have already been segregated and removed from it.
Upadhatu are considered secondary tissues formed as by-products of the dhatu,
structurally important but not directly implicated in disease and therefore not
so important for diagnostic purposes.
7 upadhatu
dhatu function upadhatu
Rasa ´prinana´ 'nourishing'
breast milk, menstrual,
synovial fluid
Rakhta ´jivana´ 'life
sustaining' tendons, vessels, veins, menstrual blood
Mansa ´lepana´ ´covering' ligaments,
muscles, skin
Meda ´snehana´ 'lubricating' subcutaneous fat
Asthi ´dharana´ 'supporting´ teeth
Majja ´purana´ 'filling' tears,
lachrymal secretions
*The way someone typically eliminates
waste (through feces, urine and sweat) ie whether Vata (air) Pita
(fire) or Kapha (water) predominate, also allows us to determine prakriti,
the natural constitution of a person.